Other than the fact that it brings people together, there are an infinite number of variables that make Champagne the most beautiful and complex beverage in the world. In the almost 15 years we’ve been growing fatcork, we’ve discovered a lot about this unique region and the people who make this exquisite Champagne. We hope you enjoy!
What is grower Champagne, you ask? And how is it different from the more recognizable "big house" Champagnes that have long owned the spotlight? There's more to grower Champagne than you may think. To read all about it just follow the above link.
True to our motto “Celebrate Every Day,” we believe you should always have a chilled bottle of grower Champagne on hand to celebrate life's little pleasures on the fly. Here's how fatcork gets bottles cold.
From opening the bottle to savoring the last drop, drinking Champagne is a truly sensory experience. We are here today to show you how to use your eyes, nose, palate...
Do you know the difference? Along with generalizing all lip balm as Chapstick, referring to any sparkling wine as Champagne is one of the most common mistakes. We could wax...