Grower Champagne brings people together. Get to know our story below.

Our story began with — you guessed it — a trip to Champagne.
Long ago (or was it just yesterday) Bryan and Abby Maletis were young professionals with travel on their minds and eyes only for each other. In 2008, they visited Champagne, France, where they explored off-the-beaten-path family wineries and sipped the most delicious Champagne they’d ever tasted. By the end of their journey, the couple had devised a grand plan for blending their shared obsession with the world’s best bubbles and their passion for working with winemakers and customers. In 2009, they opened fatcork with a mission to import the very best Champagne to the United States and to spread the word far and wide that it’s made to be drank every day.

13+ years later...
Today, fatcork founders Bryan and Abby Maletis are busy running the business and raising their two sons, all while finding time to honor life’s little pleasures and special moments with what else but grower Champagne! They’ve expanded their fatcork family, as well, with a team of celebration specialists who help spread joy every day by bringing the world’s best bubbles to you!

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